About the NDIS.

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is an independent statutory agency. Its role is to implement the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), which supports a better life for almost 400,000 Australians with a significant and permanent disability and their families and carers.

The NDIS provides all Australians between 7 and 65, who have a disability that is likely to be permanent and significant, with the supports they need to live an ordinary life. The NDIS funds supports that are reasonable and necessary for you to achieve your goals.

Step By Step Guide

1. Determine Your Eligibility.

To access the NDIS, you will need to meet certain eligibility criteria, for example: 

Residency / Citizenship – you must be an Australian citizen or a permanent resident or hold a Protected Special Category Visa, and you must live in Australia in a location where the NDIS is available.

Age – you are between 7 and 65 years of age.

Disability – your disability is likely to be permanent and means you usually need support from others or equipment to do everyday activities for yourself.

You can use the NDIS Access Checklist to help work out if you are eligible.

Call the NDIS on 1800 800 110 if you have any questions.

2. Contact NDIA for an Access Request Form.

If you haven’t received disability support before

If the NDIS is available in your area and you don’t get any disability supports, you can call 1800 800 110 and make an Access Request over the phone. If you prefer, you can ask for a form to fill out.

If you need help filling out the form or making the call, contact your Local Area Coordinator, Early Childhood Early Intervention partner or your local NDIA office.

Find out more about Applying to access the NDIS.

If you currently get disability supports

If you currently get disability supports and the NDIS is available in your area, the NDIS will contact you.

If you decide you would like to transition to the NDIS, you may need to provide additional evidence so they can make a well-informed decision about your NDIS eligibility.

If you are eligible, your current disability supports and services will stay the same until you get your approved NDIS plan.

If you are not eligible, your state, territory or Commonwealth governments will continue to provide your disability services.

For more information, visit the Continuity of Supports page.

(Go to Step 3 – Complete an Access Request Form).

3. Complete an Access Request Form.

If you haven’t received disability support before

Complete your Access Request Form with as much detail and evidence as you can about your disability (such as medical reports, letters from your specialist etc.). 

Acacia Plan Management is happy to assist you with completing the request form, if you require. Contact us on 1300 MYPLAN. 

Once you have returned your completed Access Request Form, the NDIA will contact you to schedule a time for a planning meeting. A planning meeting is your opportunity to tell the NDIA what support or services you require to assist you to live the life you choose. You should take the time to thoroughly prepare for this meeting. It’s what we call Pre-Planning.

4. Put your NDIS plan into action.

Depending on your situation, you may manage your plan in different ways. If you would like the option of having your funds plan-managed, this is where a member of our network can help you put your plan into action. Just remember to request for Plan Management to be included in your meeting.

Once your plan is approved, it is time to put it into place. Refer to the NDIS website on Using Your Plan. Your first plan will typically be in place for a few months up to a few years depending on your circumstances.