A guide to NDIS plan reviews and reassessments

Reading Time: 3 mins

As part of the many changes to the NDIS Act that came into effect from 1 July 2022, updates have been made to the language used when talking about NDIS plan reviews and reassessments.  The NDIS have taken on board feedback from participants highlighting their confusion with the many different terms used in this space.  This article explains these changes aiming to make it easier for you to work with the NDIS when making changes to your plan.

Participant check-ins

The NDIS introduced check-ins during the pandemic to ensure that participants were able to continue to get the supports needed.  Check-ins are remaining to support you in implementing your plan.  It gives the opportunity to talk to the agency about how your plan is or isn’t working for you.

The participant check-in focuses on talking to you about your current situation, checking on your wellbeing and making sure your NDIS supports and others are meeting your needs.

Your first NDIS plan reassessment usually falls 12 months after your plan starts.  The NDIS will check in with you around six weeks to three months before your reassessment date.  During the check-in, we will talk to you about booking in a plan reassessment meeting. We will also talk to you about what information you may need to provide at the meeting.  This will be discussed in detail later in this article.

Plan variations

If you need to change the reassessment date of your plan, correct a small or technical error, or ask for crisis or emergency funding, the NDIA may be able to make these changes via a plan variation, rather than through a full plan reassessment.

If your plan reassessment is not yet due, you can always request changes to your plan urgently if there has been a significant change in your life.  Examples of a change in circumstance that will trigger the need to contact the NDIA include:

  • Your contact details have changed
  • You have had an exacerbation of your disability and your support needs have changed
  • You may have experienced a decrease in your support needs
  • The informal supports you have been relying on have changed
  • Your living situation has or will change
  • Your work situation has or will change
  • You have received a compensation payout.

Some changes may be temporary, others may be permanent, some may prompt a new plan and others will require a simple plan variation. The NDIS will inform you whether the change is significant enough to require a full plan reassessment. 

For a full list of changes that need to be reported to the NDIS, visit the NDIS website.

NDIS plan reviews and plan reassessments

The term plan review has now been changed to plan reassessment. This change is designed to prevent confusion with the NDIA’s internal review processes (previously known as an S100 review or a Review of Reviewable Decision).

Plan reassessments can be initiated by you or the NDIA.  You can request a reassessment at any time and, if the decision is made to reassess the plan, a new plan might be created or your existing plan may be varied.

Plan reassessments present you with a good opportunity to revisit your arrangements with your planner or Local Area Coordinator (LAC), and reflect on what’s been working well, what you’d like to change and whether you plan is helping you to achieve your goals. If you don’t know what your goals are before your plan reassessment, don’t worry – you can develop new goals with your planner or LAC during the reassessment discussion.

It is a good idea to be prepared for your plan reassessment discussion.  It is helpful to speak with your providers and supports about preparing assessments or reports to show how they are helping you work toward your plan goals.

Your meeting can be face-to-face, over the phone or video call depending on what is convenient for you.  You are able to invite supports along to the meeting, such as a family member, friend or Support Coordinator.

You might also want to think about what you want to talk about at the plan reassessment meeting.

This might include:

  • What worked well in your plan?
  • What goals did you achieve?
  • What didn’t work as well?
  • Do you have any questions about how your plan is managed?
  • Would you like to change how you manage your funding?
  • Do you have any new goals you would like in your next plan?
  • Have there been any changes to your situation?
  • Are you expecting any changes to your situation? (e.g. are you planning to leave school, start or leave work, or move out of home).

If you’re not expecting any changes to your situation soon, you can also talk to your Local Area Coordinator or Planner about whether you would like a plan extension.

It is important to bear in mind that your NDIS plan is here to support you to live a meaningful and independent life where you retain choice and control over how you live your life. Your plan reassessment is a wonderful opportunity to assess what you have achieved and what you need to do to achieve the next milestone.

If you have any questions about your NDIS plan review or reassessment or need our assistance to prepare, please contact our friendly team on 1300 MYPLAN or send your plan manager an email.