Changes to Assistive Technology rule to help NDIS participants

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The NDIA has announced changes to the way Assistive Technology (AT) purchases are approved – making it easier for participants to get the equipment they need.

The limit for mid-cost funding for Assistive Technology has been lifted from $5,000 to $15,000.  NDIS data shows that only 5% of participants require equipment costing more than $15,000, so most will be covered under the new rules.

This means that for most AT users, once equipment is in their NDIS plan and budget structure, they will be able to liaise with a NDIS Registered AT provider or Advisor, (i.e. their therapist) pick the correct equipment for their needs and can purchase it immediately.  They will still need written evidence that the equipment they have selected meets the stated needs as outlined in their plan.  This can be a letter or email from their therapist.

The most-commonly purchased AT within the $15,000 price range includes manual wheelchairs, specialty beds and bathroom chairs/stools.

The NDIA has summarised these changes to assistive technology in an updated guideline and new participant factsheet, setting out what evidence participants need to provide and what to do before buying AT.