Trent’s Story

Acacia Plan Management client story Trent
Reading Time: 2 mins

Trent has completed year 12, graduated from a number of training courses, received awards and has two stable jobs since he started receiving NDIS funding 4 years ago.  Since Trent and his mother Leanne started working with Acacia Plan Management two years ago, the pair are enjoying a proper mother and son relationship for the first time.

Trent is a 19-year-old whose life has vastly improved since receiving NDIS funding for his team of support workers and various training programs.  Trent has many conditions including ADHD, oppositional defiant disorder, attachment disorder, an intellectual disability from front lobal brain damage from oxygen deprivation issues when younger and associated mental health issues.  He is the process of receiving an official diagnosis for bipolar disorder.

Trent’s mum Leanne could always tell he needed support beyond what she was able to provide.  It was common for Leanne to experience tears and fights when caring for her son.  Bouts of destructive behaviour were also common.  Prior to the rollout of the NDIS rolling out, Leanne had tried, and sometimes begged, for support from Disability Support QLD without success.  Placing Trent into voluntary child safety support was the only way for Leanne to find respite.  Trent was on a pathway to a life of crime and juvenile detention.

Having access to support workers through his NDIS funding has made a huge difference and opened so many doors for Trent.  His funding has helped him to graduate from year 12, complete a certificate 3 in hospitality and his RSA.  It has also allowed him to attend the Preston Campbell Foundation that taught him the confidence and skills to seek employment.  Trent now works at Dreamworld and at a café in Brisbane.  Without his support workers with him at work, he would find it very difficult to retain employment.

Trent’s most recent NDIS plan has provided funding to assist with finding employment.  Slez is an employment transition program that has helped Trent to determine an employment pathway and make a plan for courses required to train him in his fields of choice.  With the help of Slez, Trent made the final three in both the Queensland Indigenous Trainee Award and a vocational student award.  He has been inspired to follow a future pathway in disability support and training to become a support worker.

Working with Acacia Plan Management and Trent’s team of support workers has given Leanne the chance to step back and be a parent.  She no longer needs to organise everything for Trent or give up work to be at home when things become too big or challenging.  She is enjoying being a mum and getting back to work.

Together with Acacia Plan Management and NDIS funding, their ultimate goal is securing Trent a full-time job, his own home and increased independence as an adult.  Leanne is now able to see a light at the end of the tunnel. 

Leanne says, “The team at Acacia Plan Management are efficient, professional, caring, helpful and take the load off me.  I only have good feedback for Acacia PM and recommend them to everyone I know.  I really appreciate getting correct and reliable information and support from Ann and Nina.  I know my workers are paid on time and I receive monthly statements, so I always know how my budget is tracking.  If there are any issues, they always call me and follow up with an email.  They have been a godsend”.


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