Updates to NDIS Transport Reimbursements

Acacia Plan Management NDIS transport
Reading Time: 2 mins

To ensure compliance with National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) requirements, some updates to NDIS transport budgets and reimbursements have been made.

For many NDIS participants, having access to transport services allows you to access your supports and appointments outside your home, get to your place of employment and relieve the burden from other people you may rely on to transport you to places you need to be.

Changes to the transport budget have come into effect because all payments made by NDIA and Plan Managers are to be accompanied by evidence of payments being made (reimbursements), or services being provided for which payment is now required (invoices).

These arrangements are set out in the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits document.

How will these updates to NDIS transport reimbursement affect me as an NDIS participant?

To ensure compliance with the NDIA, participants who have transport covered in their plan now need to show a tax invoice or receipt for all transport services used before we can reimburse the funds to you.

All you need to do is email your tax invoice or receipt for your transport to claims@acaciapm.com.au together with your bank details. We will process your reimbursement in the same way we do all others with the payment made to your bank account.

To ensure that you are reimbursed promptly for any out-of-pocket transport expenses covered under your plan, you will need to follow the below steps:

  • Always request a receipt from your taxi driver and send to us for reimbursement
  • If you use an Uber or other rideshare service, you will need to download a receipt from their website or app and send to us for reimbursement
  • If one of your supports is a personal driver, you will need to request an invoice or receipts and send to us for reimbursement.  Alternatively, they can email their invoice to us at claims@acaciapm.com.au for payment.

If you have any questions regarding these changes, please call us on 1300 MYPLAN or contact your plan manager.