Step-by-step process of the all-new independent assessments

Acacia Plan Management NDIS Independent Assessment Process
Reading Time: 2 mins

If you read our latest blog, you are probably aware that in mid-2021 the Australian Government will be rolling out key changes to the current NDIS Assessment by introducing independent assessments for all NDIS participants aged 7 and over.

The new independent assessments process will capture the key information needed to create your new NDIS budget and plan, so it is imperative that you go into the assessment full of knowledge to get the best possible outcome for you and your family.

Below we have detailed the step-by-step process of the all-new individual assessments.

Depending on your age and disability, your assessment can take anything up to 3 hours and can also take place over a number of days. The individual assessment is free and is broken up into four parts:

  1. A conversation
  2. An activity
  3. A questionnaire
  4. 3 to 4 assessment tools 

The independent assessments you do will depend on your age and disability.

During your conversation, your assessor will go through the following:

  • Your routine – how you go about your tasks and activities of daily life
  • Your impairment – what supports you need at home and in the community
  • Your informal supports – who helps you at home, and what they help you with
  • Your environment – if there are any barriers at home for the tasks of daily life, and whether you need assistive technology items to enhance your independence.

For your activity, you can choose to do either of the following:

  • Something that you enjoy, like a hobby or interest
  • A homework assignment
  • An everyday task, like preparing a snack or cup of tea.

Your assessor will be with you while you complete your chosen activity.

During the questionnaire section, your assessor will ask you a range of questions. The questions will depend on your age, and could include:

  • Do you have any life changes planned in the next 12 months, like starting or leaving school, job training, volunteering or looking for work?
  • Who do you currently live with?
  • How do you go about learning a new task?
  • What are your current transport arrangements?
  • Do you have any disability-related health supports?

During the final part, assessment tools, the assessor will work through some standardised assessment tools with you, based on your age or disability. 

It is important that you talk to your assessor about your good and bad days, this will help them build an accurate picture of your ups-and-downs and your functional capacity. At Acacia Plan Management, we understand that the introduction of the new independent assessments may be stressful, intimidating and could potentially mean big changes for you and your family. If you wish to learn more about our services and how we work, CLICK HERE.